Top and best debugger Tool for programmers in PHP, javascript, etc

Debugger Tool for Programmers in PHP



Pinba is a MYSQL storage engine, it acts as a real time monitoring server for PHP using MYSQL as a read only interface. The main intention of this is to monitor all the performance of your PHP scripts. Pinba utilizes data accessed to analyze performance in PHP applications and also establish any issues quickly.


This is an excellent open source debugging tool for PHP scripts, using this you can map out the execution and obtain output in an argument and also it returns the value of your function.


Kint is easy to use, powerful and customizable for web developers. It doesn’t require setup and offers enhanced debugging experience. It displays the contents like name associated with the variable, files, its line and functions.


PHPMD is simple to configure and welcoming front-end is useful raw metrics for PHP depended measures. Also it searches for different potential issues within the code like possible bugs, unused parameters. Any kind of bugs can be solved easily with its defined rules.


This is an another excellent tool for debugging your projects.It can display data from any kind of web applications. It is open source and free. Debugbar is independent, also supports Ajax request and it incorporates general data collectors as well as collectors for established libraries. Its bar is 100 percent JS and sits on its footer.


Whoops is used to help the developers to build and maintain their projects in an efficient manner. It is a open source tool and has a greater feature for programmers. Whoops offers error handling that relies on stack with attractive error interface. Using simple API, the application is handling exceptions as well as trace frames and data.


XDEBUG is an open source and free PHP extension, it is useful in profiling and debugging of PHP scripts. It can able to trace the data as well as the function traces with the error message along with complete parameter details in user defined function, file name, function name, and also line indications. This can also provide memory allocation, code coverage and profile information.


Krumo displays structured information about any PHP variable. When krumo is running, output is displayed in closable DHTML tree that is developed around the configuration of dumbed variable in PHP. This tool speeds up debugging process because it is possible to turn it “OFF” instead of disabling each dumping route within the code.