Benefits of linking social media into your website


Benefits of linking social media into your website

Using links in your website, is playing a major role for rankings in a search engine. For example, Google automatically associate your social media pages with your company/organization when recognizing the links on your site. Many ways are available to integrate social media on your website.


This is the most important way to bringing traffic to your website using share links. Nowadays this share links are placed in header of your website or fixed to the sides. By clicking this, the links takes the users to their own social media profile to share the website page to their friends, followers, etc. Also you can even have this in your page to know how many people have already shared the page.

Follow us

Another way to linking social media is having ‘Follow us’ button. By clicking this you can straight away go to your own social media profiles, whether it may be Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn etc. From there the viewer can like your social media page, follow you and may become one of your friend. unlike share buttons bringing traffic to your website, this link take away from traffic so its not far important,  just place this buttons in the footer of your site.


This is more important way to improve your online presence by adding feeds to your website. This can be added into the side panel running down the page.For example, if you tweets, it automatically displayed in the side panel. It will be more useful for new visitors also to know what is going on.

Linking social media in your site, you can also know how many visitors are following up your site.