How to get random number in php program or script


To get a random number using PHP function

rand() function generates the random number

Here is the code to print the random numbers from 1 t0 19 using array

$arr = array(1, 20, NULL);

for ($i = 1; $i <20 ;$i += 1) {
$arr[$i] = rand(1, 20);

for ($i = 1; $i <20; $i += 1) {
echo $arr[$i];
echo “<br/>”;

mt_rand() is also used to generate a random numbers. But its 4 times faster than the rand() function.


echo(mt_rand() . “<br>”);
echo(mt_rand() . “<br>”);
echo “<br/>”;


array_rand() is used to returns a random key from an array or if you specify the function to return more than a key, then it returns the array of random keys.

synatx: array_rand(array, number);

Note: parameter ‘number’ is optional.

echo $a[$random_keys[0]].”<br>”;
echo $a[$random_keys[1]].”<br>”;
echo $a[$random_keys[2]];

getrandmax() is used to return the largest possible random number


echo (getrandmax());


srand() is used to seed the number generator

syntax: srand(seed);

Note: seed is an optional parameter



echo (rand());
